Inspirisano istinitim životnim događajima, u Oyo carstvu 1940-ih, Elesin Oba, kraljev glavni konjanik, podliježe utjecajima ljepote i seksualne želje iste večeri kada treba da umre kako bi ispunio svoj životni dug ritualnog samoubistva, da prati mrtvog Alafina u carstvo predaka, te skreće s kolosijeka veoma važne generacijske i duhovne transakcije.
Priča o hirurgu (Roman Lutskyi) kojeg zarobljavaju ruske vojne snage u zoni sukoba na istoku Ukrajine. Nakon što ga puste on se Vraća se u svoj stan i pokušava pronaći novu svrhu života …
Ovo je najgori dan u Karoljevom životu. Domino efekat koji je nametnuo njegovu bedu započet je pre par decenija i sada vodi ljutit monolog tokom kojeg se priseća svakog koraka koji ga je doveo do današnjeg dana...
Labidi je neuspješan mladi pisac. Dok živi u maloj sobi s cimerom i najboljim prijateljem Aleksejem, dostavljajući hranu na biciklu kako bi preživio, upoznaje studenticu Elisu. Uhvaćen u vrtlogu romanse, ne donosi uvijek prave odluke.
Dječak i postariji milijarder zbliže se oko ljubavi prema knjigama... i svojim prvim iPhoneovima. No nakon što starac umre, njihova tajanstvena povezanost ne nestaje.
Radnja filma dešava se tokom jednog vikenda u planinama High Atlas u Maroku. David i Jo Henninger (Fiennes i Chastain) jesu supružnici koji dolaze iz Kazablanke na poziv svog prijatelja Richarda da provedu vikend sa njim i njegovim prijateljima iz visokog društva. Međutim, dolazi do nepredviđenog razvoja događaja, u automobilskoj nesreći pogine lokalni tinejdžer i policija počinje istragu. Film istražuje posledice nesreće na živote kako lokalnih muslimana, tako i zapadnih posetilaca kućne zabave u velikoj vili.
Muškarac koji se brine o autima parkiranima na svojem terenu mora si zaštititi izvor prihoda kada dileri pokušaju prisiliti njega i prijatelje da prodaju drogu na ulici.
U hospiciju za smrto bolesne tinejdžere članovi ekskluzivnog kluba sklope jezivi pakt: prvi od njih koji umre mora ostalima poslati znak iz zagrobnog života.
Pre 71 godine pripadnici kineskog Dobrovoljačkog Narodnog Odreda (PVA) ušli su u Severnu Koreju u odsudnu bitku. Uprkos ekstremnoj hladnoći, njihov duh nije klonuo, već su se hrabro suprotstavili neprijatelju na jezeru Changjin. Ova bitka predstavljala je prekretnicu u Korejskom ratu...
Follows a young couple who take a remote backpacking trip through the Pacific Northwest and face sinister events leading them to realize that everything about the place is not as it seems.
Follows a lycanthrope superhero who fights evil using the abilities given to him by a curse brought on by his bloodline.
A desperate writer signs up for a fully A.I. operated retreat to cure her writer's block, but when an unforeseen software glitch occurs, she gets trapped inside her unit with an unstable android and no communication with the outside world.
A struggling actor spends a weekend with a female demonologist to prepare for an audition.
After his son witnesses a brutal murder by a notorious crime boss, a deaf Indonesian gangster is thrust into the fight of his life when he takes on his dangerous former allies, including a sociopath assassin, in order to protect his child.
Dainius, a young rock singer, locks himself away in a secluded country house surrounded by swamps. Hoping to meet his beloved in dreamland, the musician is eagerly assisted in his studies by a local boy exploited by moonshiners.
Deep in the Cuban jungle, 3 veterans from the Angolan War partake in a secret ritual: to train again as the soldiers they once were; the last samurai of the Cuban Revolution, ready to take on the enemy.
Racial tensions and corruption come to a head in a small, segregated town after the police find the body of a young Afrikaner girl in the bush.
A young German soldier's terrifying experiences and distress on the western front during World War I.
Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play with a huge orchestra in São Paulo.
A family migrates to the city after a tragic loss. When they reunite in their hometown 30 years later, buried emotions and painful secrets resurface.
Convinced that a divorce would separate her from her little girl, Zohra cannot bring herself to leave her husband despite his violent behavior. She suffers his blows in silence. But all that changes when she meets Chang Sue.
An infamous caregiver is implicated in the deaths of hundreds of hospital patients.
A young orphan opens the heart of billionaire Sir Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks.
A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets.

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