Follows a young couple who take a remote backpacking trip through the Pacific Northwest and face sinister events leading them to realize that everything about the place is not as it seems.
Imdb Ocena 5.7
Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. She believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.
Imdb Ocena 2.5
A group of queer best friends gather in Fire Island Pines for their annual week of love and laughter, but a sudden change of events might make this their last summer in gay paradise.
Imdb Ocena 6.7
A struggling actor spends a weekend with a female demonologist to prepare for an audition.
Imdb Ocena 4.6
A family migrates to the city after a tragic loss. When they reunite in their hometown 30 years later, buried emotions and painful secrets resurface.
Imdb Ocena 7.5
Follows descendants of the survivors from the Clotilda, the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States, as they reclaim their story.
Imdb Ocena 7.1
A couple temporarily adopts a young girl that they found wandering around alone in the high road.
Imdb Ocena 6.1
When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun (Sean Lau), once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.
Imdb Ocena 6.3
A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets.
Imdb Ocena 6.2
A man takes on the job of caring for a little girl, the daughter he left behind years ago.
Imdb Ocena 6.6
A stubborn bachelor hires an actress to play his fiancee to fulfill his dying mother's final wish, and try to avoid her deleting him from her will.
Imdb Ocena 5.5
A stubborn bachelor hires an actress to play his fiancee to fulfill his dying mother's final wish, and try to avoid her deleting him from her will.
Imdb Ocena 5.6
Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, Biosyn operatives attempt to track down Maisie Lockwood, while Dr Ellie Sattler investigates a genetically engineered swarm of giant insects.
Imdb Ocena 5.7
A famed bounty hunter runs into his sworn enemy, a professional gambler and outlaw that he had sent to prison years before.
Imdb Ocena 5.1
A boy deals with the loss of his mother by creating a dangerous relationship with a monster rumored to live in the woods.
Imdb Ocena 5.1
Dugo i naporno putovanje braće Elric završava u ovom veličanstvenom finalu, u kojemu moraju poraziti nezemaljsku prijetnju čitavoj naciji...
Imdb Ocena: 5.3
Pariz, osamdesete. Tri studenta odlučuju proslaviti svoju maturu posjetom pariških katakombi, te otkriju legendarni 717 Bunker. Ali ne znaju da to nije jedino što su nacistički vojnici ostavili iza sebe …
Imdb Ocena: 4.8
Film prati Džerija, kome je dosta korporativnog sveta nakon 42 godine rada u istoj kompaniji. Kada ode u penziju, on pronalazi matematičku grešku u lutriji i, uz pomoć supruge Mardž, koristi veliki dobitak kako bi oporavio svoj mali grad.
Imdb Ocena: 6.9
Ben Crump, poznat pod nadimkom „crni američki ministar pravosuđa”, daje nam intiman uvid u svoj život obiteljskog čovjeka i borca za građanska prava.
Imdb Ocena: 5.5
Dvije potpune suprotnosti s katastrofalnim ljubavnim životima spajaju se, a da ne znaju, njihove provodadžije …
Imdb Ocena: 6.8
Drama, nasljeđe, duša... Glumac Toma Ikuta priprema se za svoj prvi kabuki nastup sa svojim dugogodišnjim prijateljem, kabuki glumcem Matsuyom Onoeom.
Imdb Ocena: 7.0
U bliskoj budućnosti, zatvorenicima je ponuđena mogućnost da volontiraju u medicinske svrhe, a zauzvrat će im biti smanjena kazna. Jedan od njih prima lek predviđen za stvaranje osećanja ljubavi. Iako pod njegovim uticajem počinje da se pita o tome koliko su njegove emocije zaista stvarne...
Imdb Ocena: 5.4
Dugogodišnji supružnici Bili i Ingrid iznenađeni su kad njihova najstarija ćerka Sofija dođe kući u Majami u posetu. Ali iznenađenja tek stižu kad ona najavi novog dečka Adana i njihove planove za novi zajednički život u Meksiku.
Imdb Ocena: 5.7
Žena se prijavila za proceduru kloniranja, nakon što je dobila vest o svojoj smrtonosnoj bolesti. Ali, uspela je da se oporavi, i želela je da povuče prijavu. Međutim, to nije uspela, pa je započela bespoštednu borbu da joj se vrati pravo da sama odlučuje o svojoj sudbini...
Imdb Ocena: 5.8