Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. She believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.
Imdb Ocena 2.5

Jake Sully živi sa svojom novopronađenom porodicom na planeti Pandora. Kada se vrati poznata prijetnja kako bi završili ono što je prethodno započeto, Jake mora raditi s Neytiri i vojskom rase Na’vi kako bi zaštitio svoju planetu …

Imdb Ocena 8.2
West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten community.
Imdb Ocena 5.2
A young German soldier's terrifying experiences and distress on the western front during World War I.
Imdb Ocena 8.0
What happened to the wealth classic Hollywood actress Grace Kelly earned during her incredibly successful career.
Imdb Ocena 4.0
When a college professor confronts two hunters she catches trespassing on her property, she's drawn into an escalating battle of wills with catastrophic consequences.
Imdb Ocena 5.6
A Milanese wartime entrepreneur forms a band of misfits and rogues to stage an elaborate heist of a legendary treasure belonging to Benito Mussolini.
Imdb Ocena 5.3
A couple temporarily adopts a young girl that they found wandering around alone in the high road.
Imdb Ocena 6.1
The Accident Man, is back and this time he must beat the top assassins in the world, to protect the ungrateful son of a mafia boss, save the life of his only friend and rekindle his relationship with his maniacal father figure.
Imdb Ocena 5.9
A stubborn bachelor hires an actress to play his fiancee to fulfill his dying mother's final wish, and try to avoid her deleting him from her will.
Imdb Ocena 5.5
Sophie reflects on the shared joy and private melancholy of a holiday she took with her father twenty years earlier. Memories real and imagined fill the gaps between as she tries to reconcile the father she knew with the man she didn't.
Imdb Ocena 7.6
A stubborn bachelor hires an actress to play his fiancee to fulfill his dying mother's final wish, and try to avoid her deleting him from her will.
Imdb Ocena 5.6
Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, Biosyn operatives attempt to track down Maisie Lockwood, while Dr Ellie Sattler investigates a genetically engineered swarm of giant insects.
Imdb Ocena 5.7
A boy deals with the loss of his mother by creating a dangerous relationship with a monster rumored to live in the woods.
Imdb Ocena 5.1
Tinejdžerka iz predgrađa i njen mlađi brat moraju da zaustave zastrašujući internet mem koji je oživjela histerija njihovih roditelja...
Imdb Ocena: 4.4
Ugledni matematičari, fizičari čestica i kozmolozi istražuju beskonačnost i njezine zapanjujuće implikacije za svemir.
Imdb Ocena: 6.9
Film prati Džerija, kome je dosta korporativnog sveta nakon 42 godine rada u istoj kompaniji. Kada ode u penziju, on pronalazi matematičku grešku u lutriji i, uz pomoć supruge Mardž, koristi veliki dobitak kako bi oporavio svoj mali grad.
Imdb Ocena: 6.9
Dvije potpune suprotnosti s katastrofalnim ljubavnim životima spajaju se, a da ne znaju, njihove provodadžije …
Imdb Ocena: 6.8
Drama, nasljeđe, duša... Glumac Toma Ikuta priprema se za svoj prvi kabuki nastup sa svojim dugogodišnjim prijateljem, kabuki glumcem Matsuyom Onoeom.
Imdb Ocena: 7.0
U bliskoj budućnosti, zatvorenicima je ponuđena mogućnost da volontiraju u medicinske svrhe, a zauzvrat će im biti smanjena kazna. Jedan od njih prima lek predviđen za stvaranje osećanja ljubavi. Iako pod njegovim uticajem počinje da se pita o tome koliko su njegove emocije zaista stvarne...
Imdb Ocena: 5.4
Kroz nečuvene, nikada ranije viđene snimke, svedočite kako je ekipa Jackassa napravila poslednji pokušaj divljih vratolomija.
Imdb Ocena: 6.5
Kartman se sukobljava sa svojom majkom dok se odvija epski sukob koji ugrožava postojanje Saut Parka...
Imdb Ocena: 7.9
Kada se najbolje prijateljice Kim i Izzy usele u mračni i misteriozni stan, vjeruju da njihov novi dom progone zli duhovi. Dok istražuju historiju stana, otkrivaju zastrašujuću prošlost nestanaka, demonskih rituala i imovine koja je mučila svakog bivšeg stanara sobe 203 …
Imdb Ocena: 4.3
Bivši vojni satnik putuje u Dalyan da spriječi vjenčanje voljene žene svojeg prijatelja i drugog muškarca. No putovanje mu pokvare tuga i trauma stečena u borbi.
Imdb Ocena: 6.5