Sestra Marina, neortodoksna monahinja, poslata je tokom leta 1994-te u El Parall, internat za dečake kojem preti zatvaranje. Iako su deca Marinu dočekali sa raznim podvalama, oni će, je malo po malo, zavoleti i postati poput velike porodice...
Imdb Ocena 6.6
Grupa bogate 20-i-nešto godišnje dece planira veliku zabavu na udaljenom porodičnom imanju. Međutim, ono što je trebalo da bude lud provod, pretvara se u smrtonosno iživljavanje tokom kog će razotkriti mnogo lažnih prijateljstava...
Imdb Ocena 6.3
Svet se bliži kraju nakon iznenadne Severno-korejske objave o nuklearnoj eksploziji i prati običnog kancelarijskog radnika koji upoznaje 5 žena dok pokušava da preživi svoje poslednje dane bez kajanja...
Imdb Ocena 5.5
Uz nedostatak sreće i opterećena dugovima, Emily se umiješa u prevaru s kreditnim karticama koja je odvlači u kriminalno podzemlje Los Angelesa, što na kraju dovodi do smrtonosnih posljedica …
Imdb Ocena 6.7
U ovoj biografiji kraljice Elizabete II, pomoću pregršt neemitovanih intervjua sa desetinama ljudi koji su lično poznavali kraljicu, ispričaće se priča o njenom životu. Gledaoci će pratiti kraljicu tokom najvažnijih trenutaka u njenom životu.
Imdb Ocena 6.5
Dugo i naporno putovanje braće Elric završava u ovom veličanstvenom finalu, u kojemu moraju poraziti nezemaljsku prijetnju čitavoj naciji...
Imdb Ocena 5.3
Priča o dvoje mladih umjetnika koji pokušavaju pronaći ljubav u New Yorku...
Imdb Ocena 7.4
Moderna priča o tinejdžerskom putu odrastanja inspirisana klasičnim romanom “Čudesni čarobnjak iz Oza” …
Imdb Ocena 4.4
Inspirisano istinitim životnim događajima, u Oyo carstvu 1940-ih, Elesin Oba, kraljev glavni konjanik, podliježe utjecajima ljepote i seksualne želje iste večeri kada treba da umre kako bi ispunio svoj životni dug ritualnog samoubistva, da prati mrtvog Alafina u carstvo predaka, te skreće s kolosijeka veoma važne generacijske i duhovne transakcije.
Imdb Ocena 8.7
Enola preuzima svoj prvi službeni slučaj kao detektivka, ali da bi riješila misteriju nestale djevojke, trebaće joj pomoć prijatelja – i brata Sherlocka …
Imdb Ocena 6.7
Priča o hirurgu (Roman Lutskyi) kojeg zarobljavaju ruske vojne snage u zoni sukoba na istoku Ukrajine. Nakon što ga puste on se Vraća se u svoj stan i pokušava pronaći novu svrhu života …
Imdb Ocena 6.6
Bull mysteriously returns home after a 10 year absence to seek revenge on those who double crossed him all those years ago.
Imdb Ocena 5.1
A desperate writer signs up for a fully A.I. operated retreat to cure her writer's block, but when an unforeseen software glitch occurs, she gets trapped inside her unit with an unstable android and no communication with the outside world.
Imdb Ocena 4.6
West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten community.
Imdb Ocena 5.2
Valeria is a woman who never looks back, passing from one man to another. But one day everything changes: an ex who made her feel bad in the past reappears in her life.
Imdb Ocena 5.5
A group of queer best friends gather in Fire Island Pines for their annual week of love and laughter, but a sudden change of events might make this their last summer in gay paradise.
Imdb Ocena 6.7
Deep in the Cuban jungle, 3 veterans from the Angolan War partake in a secret ritual: to train again as the soldiers they once were; the last samurai of the Cuban Revolution, ready to take on the enemy.
Imdb Ocena 5.5
Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play with a huge orchestra in São Paulo.
Imdb Ocena 6.2
A woman staying at an Airbnb discovers that the house she has rented is not what it seems.
Imdb Ocena 7.3
With an area three times larger than Pompeii, Baia, about 15 km from Naples and within the volcanic area of the Phlegraean fields, is the largest underwater archaeological site in the world. In 100 BC Pompeii is an ordinary city of small traders crouched on the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius, while Baia gains a peculiar reputation: it gradually becomes the ancient Las Vegas or Monte Carlo of the Roman Empire, a real posh center for noble gens and the powerful . Nestled in the center of the Gulf of Pozzuoli, Baia is flanked on one side by the port of Puteoli (ancient Pozzuoli) and on the other by the port of Capo Miseno. Both of these landings boast enormous prestige, one is the nerve center of Roman trade capable of handling a traffic of over 1,000 ships per year, with the task of supplying the capital with food but also with very precious rarities coming from the exotic east ; at the head of Miseno, on the other hand, allocates the imperial fleet to defend the interests of the entire gulf. Sumptuous buildings, monumental spas and brothels frequented by the rich "holiday makers" appear. Owning a villa here means prestige, a worldly duty. Baia is the most exclusive and renowned holiday resort in the ancient world, the fulcrum of the "dolce vita" of that time. It is no coincidence that emperors such as Caesar, Nero, Marcus Aurelius and Hadrian also decide to fix their imperial mansions there to take refuge from the austere and frenetic life of the capital. No wonder then that just in Pozzuoli an amphitheater was born long before the best known Colosseum in Rome.
Imdb Ocena 7.7
A Milanese wartime entrepreneur forms a band of misfits and rogues to stage an elaborate heist of a legendary treasure belonging to Benito Mussolini.
Imdb Ocena 5.3
Ancient Japanese Ronin warriors set 300 years after 47 Ronin, in a modern-day world where Samurai clans exist in complete secrecy.
Imdb Ocena 7.3
Jonathan Kent and reluctant young sidekick Damian Wayne are burdened with saving the world from impending doom. The two must join forces to rescue their fathers and save the planet by becoming the super heroes they were intended to be.
Imdb Ocena 6.7
Two men with commitment problems attempt a relationship.
Imdb Ocena 6.4