Tokom Drugog svetskog rata, u okupiranoj Francuskoj, mladi pastir iz seoceta u Pirinejima otkiva nekoliko jevrejske dece sakrivene na farmi. Pastir odlučuje da im pomogne i organizuje prebacivanje u Španiju. Međutim, nemačke patrole su česte i opasnost je velika. Kada jedno dete oboli i bude odvedeno u selo, neočekivana podrška stiže od nemačkog oficira koji je izgubio ćerku u bombardovanju Berlina...
Imdb Ocena 6.0
Nastavak ratnog spektakla "The Battle at Lake Changjin". I dalje pratimo dobrovoljce kineske vojske, ovaj put na novom zadatku koji se odnosi na odbranu veoma važnog mosta kojim treba da se povuku američke trupe...
Imdb Ocena 5.4
U ruralnom kampu s prikolicama na istočnoj obali, Link živi sa svojim nasilnim ocem i mlađim polubratom Trevisom. Kad Link otkrije da je njegova majka Mikmav možda još uvek živa, to ga pokrene i oni beže u bolji život. Na putu sreću Pasmaj, plesačicu folklornih igara koju privuče Link. Dok dečaci putuju preko Mikmakija, Link pronalazi zajednicu, identitet i ljubav u zemlji kojoj pripada.
Imdb Ocena 7.0
Misteriozna crna sfera je pronađena u Marsovoj orbiti i kosmička letilica Ahil sa šestocifrenom posadom biva poslata da istraži. Međutim ono što posada nije znala je da sfera emituje jednu reč koja kada se prevede ima značenje Boga...
Imdb Ocena 4.1
Dok Lennon podstiče svoju želju za predjelom u podcast koji uključuje živu muziku i razgovore sa umjetnicima kojima se tako žarko divi, pronalazi inspiraciju za sopstvene muzičke ambicije … i rastući osjećaj pogrešno usmjerenog identiteta …
Imdb Ocena 5.9
Kako bi vratila osjet njuha i svoju ljubav, detektivka udruži snage s majstorom za izradu parfema koji ubojitim metodama stvara savršen miris.
Imdb Ocena 4.0
" Pariz, jun 1940. Šarl de Gol je suočen s vojnim i političkim kolapsom Francuske. Šarl de Gol lobira u Londonu, dok se njegova supruga Ivon i njihovo troje dece nalazi na putu izbeglica. "
Imdb Ocena 6.1
Narko-diler progoni bivše šefa policije u malom gradu, želeći da ga ućutka pre nego što ovaj svedoči i tako ga privede pravdi. Ali, igra se ispostavlja mnogo grublja nego što je iko očekivao...
Imdb Ocena 4.3
A woman travels home with her two kids for her sister's wedding but finds herself defending her family against blood-seeking pensioners.
Imdb Ocena 5.1
In the last days of WWII, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, formed together the German Navy and the last remaining U-Boats, for one last mission, to attack the United States Homeland.
Imdb Ocena 3.2
Follows a lycanthrope superhero who fights evil using the abilities given to him by a curse brought on by his bloodline.
A struggling actor spends a weekend with a female demonologist to prepare for an audition.
Imdb Ocena 4.6
After his son witnesses a brutal murder by a notorious crime boss, a deaf Indonesian gangster is thrust into the fight of his life when he takes on his dangerous former allies, including a sociopath assassin, in order to protect his child.
Imdb Ocena 6.5
Two scheming demon brothers, Wendell and Wild, enlist the aid of 13-year-old Kat Elliot to summon them to the Land of the Living.
Imdb Ocena 6.6
Racial tensions and corruption come to a head in a small, segregated town after the police find the body of a young Afrikaner girl in the bush.
Imdb Ocena 5.5
Follows descendants of the survivors from the Clotilda, the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States, as they reclaim their story.
Imdb Ocena 7.1
When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun (Sean Lau), once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.
Imdb Ocena 6.3
A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets.
Imdb Ocena 6.2
Follows a matchmaker who believes marriage is for everyone except herself, and a successful divorce lawyer with a secret, who cross paths, and explores if opposites coexist or attract.
Imdb Ocena 4.6
A man takes on the job of caring for a little girl, the daughter he left behind years ago.
Imdb Ocena 6.6
Backstory on how Pearl became the person she was.
Indb Ocena 7.3
While everyone is away on a company ski trip, Robert's neighbor hires two inept thieves to steal his latest invention. The neighborhood dogs will use Robert's inventions to set up a house of horrors for the thieves.
Imdb Ocena 3.6
A famed bounty hunter runs into his sworn enemy, a professional gambler and outlaw that he had sent to prison years before.
Imdb Ocena 5.1
Pariz, osamdesete. Tri studenta odlučuju proslaviti svoju maturu posjetom pariških katakombi, te otkriju legendarni 717 Bunker. Ali ne znaju da to nije jedino što su nacistički vojnici ostavili iza sebe …
Imdb Ocena: 4.8